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Main Board for SOSRS

Moderator: Rex

1 3 SOSRS Beta
by unwanted
Sept 25, 2024 3:50:01 GMT
No New Posts News

News about SOSRS will be posted here!

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No New Posts Patch-Notes

Patch-Notes will be posted here!

4 6 Patch-Notes 9/27/2024
by Rex
Sept 27, 2024 5:01:30 GMT


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No New Posts Bugs

Post bugs you discover in SOSRS here so we can squash them!

Sub-board: Patched

12 14 slayer helm (i)
by Fen
Sept 27, 2024 5:05:17 GMT
No New Posts Suggestions

Suggest content or feature you would like to see in SOSRS here!

15 25 Twisted Bow Teal and pink
by Fen
Sept 27, 2024 7:35:17 GMT


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No New Posts Guides - 1 Viewing

Please use Sub-Categories!

Sub-boards: Misc Guides, PvM Guides, Skilling Guides

2 3 Ultra Mysterbox Loot
by Fen
Sept 27, 2024 10:43:48 GMT
No New Posts Flex

Flex on em! Show off your achievements!

1 3 Obtained Pets
by unwanted
Sept 25, 2024 21:40:43 GMT
No New Posts Media

Post Media in here! Show us those videos and screen caps!

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℘υׁׅ𝒻𝒻, Bwed, Fen, Rex, unwanted